Étiquette de l’extension : block-editor
Patternly – Gutenberg Starter Templates, Patterns, WordPress Landing Pages & Sites
(2 notes en tout)Gutenberg template library to build full sites with starter templates, patterns, landing pages and ready sites for WordPress block editor.
Melonpan Block – Code
(0 notes en tout)Block to display code, with highlighted syntax, which can be copied to the clipboard.
Disable Classic Editor and Widget
(0 notes en tout)This plugin disables the Gutenberg Editor and Gutenberg widget block.
Gutty Related Posts
(0 notes en tout)Gutty Related Posts is the best way to show related and relevant content on your WordPress site with the Block Editor, Full Site Editing or shortcode.
Gecko Theme Parts
(0 notes en tout)Allows you to use the Block Editor to create content anywhere in a theme, outside of the page content loop.
Disable Block
(0 notes en tout)Disable Block disables Gutenberg editor and Gutenberg Block Library CSS totally everywhere and enables Classic Editor & Classic Widgets.
Carbon Code
(0 notes en tout)Adds the beautiful code editor from carbon.now.sh to the block editor.
CF block
(0 notes en tout)CF Block is a custom Gutenberg Block That has the following upgradation to be followed they are
(1 notes en tout)Visually create custom block patterns. No coding skills needed. Categorize and use keywords for easy searching.
Insert Post Block
(1 notes en tout)A lightweight editor block that allows you to embed a full post content to different pages.
Block Editor Navigator
(2 notes en tout)Navigate posts & pages with ease inside the Block Editor without going to the main page; Classic Editor support included.
(0 notes en tout)Gutentools is a powerful block editor plugin designed for seamless full-site editing.
Melonpan Block – Post Title
(0 notes en tout)Block that displays the current Post Title and Excerpt.
Rain Forest Theme for the Foxdell Folio Block Editor Customiser
(0 notes en tout)Customise you Block Editor experience, or customise the experience on client sites.
Master Embed Posts
(0 notes en tout)The plugin helps you to embed internal posts into the current post easily and beautifully.
Zolo Advanced Heading
(0 notes en tout)The Zolo Advanced Heading block helps you create customizable headlines with advanced features like text highlighting, image masking etc.