Étiquette de l’extension : author
Edit Author Slug
(81 notes en tout)Allows an admin (or capable user) to edit the author slug of a user, and change the author base.
WP Meta and Date Remover
(69 notes en tout)Remove meta author and date information from posts and pages. Hide from Humans and Search engines.SEO friendly and most advance plugin.
Starbox – the Author Box for Humans
(203 notes en tout)Starbox is the Author Box for Humans. Professional Themes to choose from, HTML5, Social Media Profiles, Google Authorship
Hide/Remove Metadata
(13 notes en tout)Hide/Remove Metadata is a free WordPress plugin that helps you hide author and published date either by CSS or PHP from your website effortlessly.
Meks Smart Author Widget
(8 notes en tout)Easily display your author/user profile info inside WordPress widget.
Head Meta Data
(18 notes en tout)Adds a custom set of <meta> tags to the <head> section of all posts & pages.
VK Post Author Display
(8 notes en tout)Display to Post Author Information Box on bottom of the contents.
WP Author, Date and Meta Remover
(26 notes en tout)Don't need the post date and author meta data on your pages? Install WP Author, Date and Meta Remover and its gone. It's that easy!
WP Post Author – Boost Your Blog's Engagement with Author Box, Social Links, Co-Authors, Guest Authors, Post Rating System, and Custom User Registration Form Builder
(18 notes en tout)Add an Author Box, Social Links, Co-Authors, Guest Authors, Post Rating System, and Custom User Registration Form Builder
Disable Author Archives
(7 notes en tout)Disable Author Archives completely removes author archives and makes the web server return status code 404 ('Not Found') instead.
Guest Author
(13 notes en tout)Add a guest author to any post without needing to register the guest author as a user on your site.
Author Avatars List/Block
(32 notes en tout)Display lists of user avatars using widgets or shortcodes. With Gutenberg support.
Authors List
(22 notes en tout)Use a shortcode to display a list or grid of post authors (or any other user role) and links to their post archives page.
WP Custom Author URL
(8 notes en tout)Set a custom URL for your author name link, on a global or author-specific basis. Also redirects all author pages.
WP Author Slug
(20 notes en tout)Add a layer of security and prevent your login name from being shown in the author archive's URL.
(Simply) Guest Author Name
(23 notes en tout)Create a post and override the author name with one or more names or text. You can also create a link for the author name field
Bulk Change Media Author
(8 notes en tout)Bulk change author for multiple media files, using the default WP Media Library.