Étiquette de l’extension : archive
eHive Objects Tag Cloud
(0 notes en tout)A plugin that allows you to embed a cloud of popular eHive tags on your website.
Custom Post Type Archives in Nav Menus
(2 notes en tout)This is now in WordPress core as of 4.4. Adds an archive checkbox to the nav menu meta box for Custom Post Types that support archives
SF Archiver
(2 notes en tout)Add some small and useful utilities for managing your Custom Post Types archives.
This Day In History Widget
(0 notes en tout)This Widget lists and links to any posts posted in the same month, week, or day of the prior years. You can limit the maximum number of links to show.
Extra Feed Links
(0 notes en tout)Adds extra feed auto-discovery links to various page types (categories, tags, search results etc.)
Archive Posts Accordion Panel
(1 notes en tout)Archive Posts Accordion Panel is the best plugin for the Home and Sup-Pages that will view month and year accordion panel content block and widget to …
Last Year Widget
(0 notes en tout)A plugin to add a sidebar widget that presents a list of posts from "this Day/Week/Month" last year.
AWSOM Drop Down Archive
(0 notes en tout)The AWSOM Archive (formerly called AWSOM Drop Down Archive) is a plugin designed to add a Drop Down or other type of archive on your Index and individ …
WP Post Has Archive
(1 notes en tout)In its initial state, WordPress does not have an archive page for posts.
eHive Object Tags widget
(0 notes en tout)A plugin that allows you to display the tags for a specific Object Record.
eHive Objects Tag Cloud widget
(0 notes en tout)A widget plugin that allows you to embed a cloud of popular eHive tags on your website.
eHive Object Comments
(0 notes en tout)A plugin that allows you to add and display user comments on eHive Object Records.
Custom Archives
(0 notes en tout)Select a page to be used as an archive page for custom post types.
OlalaWeb – WooCommerce Category Prices
(0 notes en tout)Display your products' prices on your WooCommerce Category Archive pages.
Spice Archive Page
(1 notes en tout)Plugin allows you to display yearly, monthly and daily archives in pages.