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Sticky Recent Random Posts


Sticky Recent Random Posts is awesome Plugin that let users to show sticky bar at bottom, that sticky bar will contain random Title of Recent Posts(Including Custom Post Types). This plugin will help to engage more users and help to reduce Bounce rate.

This plugin comes with a Setting Page through which user can customize Appearance and other settings. This option page is located under Settings Menu.

What this plugin do :
This plugin will show sticky bar at bottom part of page, that sticky bar will contain Title of recent post, that recent post is randomly selected. You also have option to choose whether to open that link in current window or new window. You can customize colors, Opacity, number of last recent post to shuffle from and other settings.

You will love this plugin for sure, as it will decrease Bounce Rate of your blog and will engage more visitors by displaying random post. Due to its sticky behaviour it will capture attention of user easily.

You can see Live working demo here.

Hoping that you will like this plugin. Don`t forget to rate this plugin or write your valuable opinion that will guide us to make it more useful in future release.


  1. Download recent release(zip file) of this plugin from wordpress plugin repository.
  2. Unzip and Upload folder naming sticky-recent-random-posts to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
  4. Change appearance of plugin by moving to Settings ->Sticky Recent Random Posts


What is Sticky Bar Location
Sticky bar location allows you to display sticky bar either at top or at bottom.

What is Font Weight
Allow you to display Text as Bold or Normal

What is Font Size
Allow you to set Text font size, please use px or em. like 20px or 1.5em

What is Background Color
Background color setting allows you to change background color of sticky bar.

What is Top Border Color
To make that sticky bar more appealing you can choose different color of top border, hence it will attract more visitors.

What is Background Color Opacity
It takes value between 0.00 to 1.00, You can customize the opacity(transparency) of sticky bar. 0=Full Transparent 1=Opaque

What is Title Text Color
This options lets you customize the color of Title.

What is Trending Now Text
This text is prepended before Title. You can type anything of your choice or leave it blank if you are not interested in displaying it. (Default : Trending Now :)

What is Trending Now Text Color
If you have set Trending Now Text, you can customize its color using this option.

What is Open Link In
This option allow you to decide whether to open that random post in current window or in new window/tab.

What is Number Of Posts To Shuffle
This option lets you decide how many recent random post will be used to pick 1 random post.

What is Select Post Type To Include
You can also add custom post types using this option.

What is Display Sticky Bar
This option lets you choose whether to display Sticky Bar immediately or after User Scroll.

What is Display Sticky Bar Scroll Duration :
This option is activated when you choose After User Scroll option. It accepts only Numeric value, and value is in Milisecond. 1 second = 1000 miliseconds. After how much time animation will start after user scroll.

What is Display Sticky Bar Animation Duration :
This option is activated when you choose After User Scroll option. It accepts only Numeric value, and value is in Milisecond. 1 second = 1000 miliseconds. Its the animation duration.

What is Hide Sticky Bar Below This Resolution :
This option let user to define resolution below which sticky bar will not visible. If you want to display sticky bar on all resolutions, input 0px. Please use « px » suffix when inputing any value. Default is 640px.

How random post is calculated :
This plugin first check the value of option Number Of Posts To Shuffle, and later it checks Post Types that you selected, Based on these two options this plugin retrieve random post that will be displayed to user in front end.


Il n’y a aucun avis pour cette extension.

Contributeurs & développeurs

« Sticky Recent Random Posts » est un logiciel libre. Les personnes suivantes ont contribué à cette extension.



2 more options added,
1) Display Immediately or after user scroll event.
2) Hide sticky bar below some resolution.
3) Added Display location, font weight and font size option