The plugin adds a clever and convenient system to create various Polls with different features, such as:
- Single and Multiple voting. Сustomizable.
- Visitors can add new answers. Сustomizable.
- Ability to set poll’s end date.
- Unregistered users can’t vote. Сustomizable.
- Different design of a poll.
- And so on. See changelog.
Democracy Poll works with all cache plugins like: WP Total Cache, WP Super Cache, WordFence, Quick Cache etc.
I focus on easy-admin features and fast performance. So we have:
- Quick Edit button for Admin, right above a poll
- Plugin menu in toolbar
- Inline css & js incuding
- Css & js connection only where it’s needed
- and so on. See changelog
More Info
Democracy Poll is a reborn of once-has-been-famous plugin with the same name. Even if it hasn’t been updated since far-far away 2006, it still has the great idea of adding users’ own answers. So here’s a completely new code. I have left only the idea and great name of the original DP by Andrew Sutherland.
What can it perform?
- adding new polls;
- works with cache plugins: wp total cache, wp super cache, etc…
- users may add their own answers (Democracy), the option may be disabled if necessary;
- multi-voting: users may multiple answers instead of a single one (may be disabled on demand);
- closing the poll after the date specified beforehand;
- showing a random poll when some are available;
- closing polls for still unregistered users;
- a comfortable editing of a selected poll: ‘Edit’ key for administrators;
- votes amount editing;
- a user can change his opinion when re-vote option is enabled;
- remember users by their IP, cookies, WP profiles (for authorized users). The vote history may be cleaned up;
- inserting new polls to any posts: the [demоcracy] (shortcode). A key in visual editor is available for this function;
- a widget (may be disabled);
- convenient polls editing: the plugin’s Panel is carried out to the WordPress toolbar; (may be disabled);
- .css or .js files may be disabled or embedded to HTML code;
- showing a note under the poll: a short text with any notes to the poll or anything around it;
- changing the poll design (css themes);
Multisite: support from version 5.2.4
Requires PHP 5.3 or later.
Usage (Widget)
- Go to
WP-Admin -> Appearance -> Widgets
and findDemocracy Poll
Widget. - Add this widget to one of existing sidebar.
- Set Up added widget and press Save.
- Done!
Usage (Without Widget)
- Open sidebar.php file of your theme:
wp-content/themes/<YOUR THEME NAME>/sidebar.php
Add such code in the place you want Poll is appeared:
- To show specific poll, use
<?php democracy_poll( 3 ); ?>
where 3 is your poll id. - To embed a specific poll in your post, use
[democracy id="2"]
where 2 is your poll id. - To embed a random poll in your post, use
Display Archive
For display polls archive, use the function:
<?php democracy_archives( $hide_active, $before_title, $after_title ); ?>
Captures d’écran
Does this plugin clear yourself after uninstall?
Yes it is! To completely uninstall the plugin, deactivate it and then press « delete » link in admin plugins page and ther plugin delete all it’s options and so on…
Contributeurs & développeurs
« Democracy Poll » est un logiciel libre. Les personnes suivantes ont contribué à cette extension.
Contributeurs“Democracy Poll” a été traduit dans 4 locales. Remerciez l’équipe de traduction pour ses contributions.
Traduisez « Democracy Poll » dans votre langue.
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BUG: A fatal error occurred when using the « WordFence » plugin: « Failed opening … /Helpers/wfConfig.php ».
- BUG: Fix v6.0.0 bug: short-circuit recursion on plugin object construct for the not logged-in users.
- IMP: Minor improvements.
- BUG: It was impossible to delete all answers or create democracy poll with no starting answer.
- CHG: Minimal PHP version 7.0
- CHG: « Democracy_Poll » class renamed to « Plugin » and moved under namespace.
- CHG:
functions renamed to\DemocracyPoll\plugin()
. - CHG: Most of the classes moved under
namespace. - CHG: DemPoll object improvements: magic properties replaced with real ones.
- FIX: democracy_shortcode bugfix.
- FIX: Not logged user logs now gets with user_id=0 AND ip. But not only by IP.
- FIX: Regenerate_democracy_css fixes. Empty answer PHP notice fix.
- IMP: « Admin » classes refactored. IMP: Admin Pages code refactored (improved).
- IMP: Classes autoloader implemented.
- IMP: Huge Refactoring, minor code improvements and decomposition.
- UPD: democracy-poll.pot
- BUG: Pagination links on archive page.
- FIX: CSS radio,checkbox styles from px to em.
- FIX: JS code fixes for jQuery 3.5.
- NEW:
аргумент для функцииget_dem_polls()
- NEW: hook
- FIX:
property for checkbox input sometimes not removed on uncheck for multianswers questions.
- NEW: Scroll to poll top when click on Resulsts, Vote etc.
- NEW:
attribute for copyright link.
- NEW: pagination links at the bottom of the archive page.
- NEW:
now can accept parameters: ‘before_title’, ‘after_title’, ‘active’, ‘open’, ‘screen’, ‘per_page’, ‘add_from_posts’.[democracy_archives screen="vote" active="1"]
will show only active poll with default vote screen. - NEW: function
get_dem_polls( $args )
- CHANGE: ACE code editor to native WordPress CodeMirror.
- ADD: ‘dem_get_ip’ filter and cloudflare IP support.
- NEW: use float number in ‘cookie_days’ option.
- FIX: expire time now sets in UTC time zone.
- FIX: compatability with W3TC.
- FIX: multiple voting limit check on back-end (AJAX request) – no more answers than allowed…
- IMP: return WP_Error object on vote error and display it…
- ADD: wrapper function for use in themes ‘get_democracy_poll_results( $poll_id )’ – Gets poll results screen.
- ADD: allowed <img> tag in question and answers.
- IMP: now design setting admin page is more clear and beautiful 🙂
- ADD: post metabox to attach poll to a post. To show attached poll in theme use
on is_singular() page. Thanks to for idea. - ADD: voted screen progress line animation effect and option to set animation speed or disable animation…
- IMP: now « height collapsing » not work if it intend to hide less then 100px…
- FIX: now JS includes in_footer not right after poll. In some cases there was a bug – when poll added in content through shortcode.
- IMP: buttons and other design on ‘design settings’ admin screen.
- ADD: ‘demadmin_sanitize_poll_data’ filter second ‘$original_data’ parameter
- ADD: posts where a poll is ebedded block at the bottom of each poll on polls archive page.
5.4.7 – 5.4.8
- FIX: ‘expire’ parameter works incorrectly with logs written to DB.
- FIX: ‘wp_remote_get()’ changed to ‘file_get_contents()’ bacause it works not correctly with API.
- FIX: ‘jquery-ui.css’ fix and needed images added.
- FIX: Error with « load_textdomain » because of which it was impossible to activate the plugin
- FIX: « Edit poll » link from front-end for users with access to edit single poll.
- FIX: not correct use of $this for PHP 5.3 in class.Democracy_Poll_Admin.php
- CHG: prepare to move all localisation to in next release…
- FIX: notice on MU activation – change
to new from WP 4.6get_sites()
. Same fix on plugin Uninstall… - ADD: Hungarian translation (hu_HU). Thanks to Lesbat.
- ADD: disable user capability to edit poll of another user, when there is democracy admin access to other roles…
- ADD: spain (es_ES) localisation file added.
- IMP: improve accessibility protection in different parts of admin area for additional roles (edit,delete poll)…
- IMP: hide & block any global plugin options updates for roles with not ‘super_access’ access level…
- FIX: Some minor changes that do not change the plugin logic at all: change function names; block direct access to files with « active » PHP code.
- CHG: Add
to plugin files and now it loaded from inside it. - FIX: « wp total cache » support
- ADD: second parametr to ‘dem_sanitize_answer_data’ filter – $filter_type
- ADD: second parametr to ‘dem_set_answers’ filter – $poll
- FIX: tinymce translation fix
- CHG: rename main class
for future no conflict. And rename some other internal functions/method names
- CHG: improve logic to work correctly with activate_plugin() function outside of wp-admin area (in front end). Thanks to J.D.Grimes
- FIX: XSS Vulnerability. In some extraordinary case it could be possible to hack your site. Read here:
- ADD: For additional protect I add nonce check for all requests in admin area.
- CHG: move back Democracy_Poll_Admin::update_options() to its place – it’s not good decision – I’m looking for a better one
- FIX: delete
from code, for protection. Thanks to J.D. Grimes - FIX: multi run of Democracy_Poll_Admin trigger error… (J.D. Grimes)
- CHG: move Democracy_Poll_Admin::update_options() method to Democracy_Poll::update_options(), for possibility to activate plugin not only from admin area.
- FIX: now user IP detects only with REMOTE_ADDR server variable to don’t give possibility to cheat voice. You can change behavior in settings.
- FIX: add ‘dem_add_user_answer’ query var param to set noindex for no duplicate content
- ADD: actions
- ADD: filters
- ADD: poll creation date change capability on edit poll page.
- ADD: animation speed option on design settings.
- ADD: « dont show results link » global option.
- ADD: ‘show last poll’ option in widget
- FIX: bug user cant add onw answer when vote button is hidden for not multiple poll
- CHG: move the « dem__collapser » styles to all styles. Change the styles: now arrow has 150% font-size. Now you can set your own arrow simbols by changing it’s style. EX:
.dem__collapser.collapsed .arr:before{ content:"down"; }
.dem__collapser.expanded .arr:before{ content:"up"; }
- FIX: stability for adding « dem__collapser » style into document.
- ADD: answers sort in admin by two fields – votes and then by ID – it’s for no suffle new answers…
- FIX: minor: when work with cache plugin: now vote & revote buttons completely removes from DOM
- FIX: minor: cookie stability fix when plugin works with page caching plugin
- ADD: filter: ‘dem_poll_screen_choose’
- FIX: now before do anything, js checks – is there any democracy element on page. It needs to prevent js errors.
- CHG: now main js init action run on document.ready, but not on load. So democracy action begin to work earlier…
- CHG: All plugin code translated to english! Now there is NO russian text for unknown localisation strings.
- FIX: add poll PHP syntax bug…
- ADD: new red button – pinterest style. default button styles changed. Some ugly buttons (3d, glass) was deleted.
- ADD: filters: ‘dem_vote_screen_answer’, ‘dem_result_screen_answer’, ‘demadmin_after_question’, ‘demadmin_after_answer’, ‘dem_sanitize_answer_data’, ‘demadmin_sanitize_poll_data’
- FIX: global option ‘dont show results’ not work properly
- FIX: some little fix in code
- FIX: bug when new answer added: now « NEW » mark adds correctly
- FIX: wp_json_encode() function was replaced, in order to support WP lower then 4.1
- CHG: usability improvements
- CHG: set ‘max+1’ order num for users added answers, if answers has order
- ADD: multisite support
- ADD: migration from ‘WP Polls’ plugin mechanism
- FIX: bug – was allowed set 1 answer for multiple answers
- CHG: IP save to DB: now it saves as it is without ip2long()
- CHG: EN translation is updated.
- ADD: on admin edit poll screen, posts list where poll shortcode uses
- ADD: ability to set poll buttons css class on design settings page
- ADD: filters: ‘dem_super_access’ (removed filter ‘dem_admin_access’), ‘dem_get_poll’, ‘dem_set_answers’
- FIX: ‘reset order’ bug fix – button not work, when answers are ordered in edit poll screen and you wanted to reset the order – I missed one letter in the code during refactoring 🙂
- FIX: ‘additional css’ update bug fix: you can’t empty it…
- FIX: some other minor fixes…
- CHG: EN translation is updated.
- FIX: when click on ‘close’, ‘open’, ‘activate’, ‘deactivate’ buttons at polls list table, the action was applied not immediately
- FIX: radio, checkbox styles fix
- ADD: ‘in posts’ column in admin polls list. In which posts the poll shortcode used.
- ADD: hooks: ‘dem_poll_inserted’, ‘dem_before_insert_quest_data’
- ADD: two variants to delete logs: only logs and logs with votes.
- ADD: possibiliti to delete single answer log.
- ADD: « all voters » at the bottom of a poll if the poll is multiple.
- ADD: delete answer logs on answer deleting.
- ADD: button to delete all logs of closed polls.
- ADD: not show logs link in polls list table, when the poll don’t have any log records.
- ADD: collapse extremely height polls under ‘max height’ option. All answers expands when user click on answers area.
- ADD: css themes for ‘radio’ and ‘checkboks’ inputs. Added special css classes and span after input element into the poll HTML code.
- ADD: now you can set access to add, edit polls and logs to other wordpress roles (editor, author etc.).
- ADD: mark ‘NEW’ for newely added answers by any user, except poll creator.
- ADD: ‘NEW’ mark filter and ‘NEW’ mark clear button in plugin logs table.
- ADD: country name and flag in logs table, parsed from voter IP.
- ADD: ability to sort answers (set order) in edit/add poll admin page. In this case answers will showen by the order.
- ADD: one more option to sort answers by random on display its in poll.
- ADD: sort option for single poll. It will overtake global sort option.
- FIX: fix admin css bug in firefox on design screen…
- CHG: EN translation is updated.
- SEO Fix: Now sets 404 response and « noindex » head tag for duplicate pages with: $_GET[‘dem_act’] or $_GET[‘dem_pid’] or $_GET[‘show_addanswerfield’]
- Fix: Change DB ip field from int(11) to bigint(20). Because of this some IP was writen wrong. Also, change some other DB fields types, but it’s no so important.
- Fix: Some bugs with variables and antivirus check.
- FIX: not correctly set answers on cache mode, because couldn’t detect current screen correctly.
- ADD: expand answers list on Polls list page by click on the block.
- FIX: replace VOTE button with REVOTE. On cache mode, after user voting he see backVOTE button (on result screen), but not « revote » or « nothing » (depence on poll options).
- HUGE ADD: Don’t show results until vote is closed. You can choose this option for single poll or for all polls (on settings page).
- ADD: edit & view links on admin logs page.
- ADD: Search poll field on admin polls list page.
- ADD: All answers (not just win) in « Winner » column on polls list page. For usability answers are folds.
- ADD: Poll shordcode on edit poll page. Auto select on its click.
- CHG: sort answers by votes on edit poll page.
- FIX: change default DB tables charset from utf8mb4 to utf8. Thanks to Nanotraktor
- ADD: single poll option that allow set limit for max answers if there is multiple answers option.
- ADD: global option that allow hide vote button on polls with no multiple answers and revote possibility. Users will vote by clicking on answer itself.
- fix: disable cache on archive page.
- FIX: bootstrap .label class conflict. Rename .label to .dem-label. If you discribe .label class in ‘additional css’ rename it to .dem-label please.
- ADD: Now on new version css regenerated automaticaly when you enter any democracy admin page.
- FIX: Polls admin table column order
- ADD: Logs table in admin and capability to remove only logs of specific poll.
- ADD: ‘date’ field to the democracy_log table.
- Complatelly change polls list table output. Now it work under WP_List_Table and have sortable colums, pagination, search (in future) etc.
- ADD: en_US l10n if no l10n file.
- ADD: de_DE localisation. Thanks to Matthias Siebler
- DELETED: possibility to work without javascript. Now poll works only with enabled javascript in your browser. It’s better because you don’t have any additional URL with GET parametrs. It’s no-need-URL in 99% cases..
- CHG: Convert tables from utf8 to utf8mb4 charset. For emoji uses in polls
- CHG: Some css styles in admin
- ADD: Custom front-end localisation – as single settings page. Now you can translate all phrases of Poll theme as you like.
- CHG: in main js cache result/vote view was setted with animation. Now it sets without animation & so the view change invisible for users. Also, fix with democracy wrap block height set, now it’s sets on « load » action, but not « document.ready ».
- CHG: « block.css » theme improvements for better design.
- ADD: « on general options page »: global « revote » and « democratic » functionality disabling ability
- ADD: localisation POT file & english transtation
- CHG: « progress fill type » & « answers order » options now on « Design option page »
- FIX: english localisation
- CHG: delete « add new answer » button on Add new poll and now field for new answerr adds when you focus on last field.
- FIX: options bug appers in 4.6.7
- ADD: check for current user has an capability to edit polls. Now toolbar doesn’t shown if user logged in but not have capability
- FIX: Huge bug about checking is user already vote or not. This is must have release!
- CHG: a little changes in js code
- ‘notVote’ cookie check set to 1 hour
- ADD: New theme « block.css »
- ADD: Preset theme (_preset.css) now visible and you can set it and wtite additional css styles to customize theme
- FIX: when user send democratic answer, new answer couldn’t have comma
- FIX: Widget showed screens uncorrectly because of some previous changes in code.
- Improve: English localisation
- FIX: great changes about polls themes and css structure.
- ADD: « Ace » css editor. Now you can easely write your own themes by editing css in admin.
- FIX: some little changes about themes settings, translate, css.
- ADD: screenshots to WP directory.
- ADD: Poll themes management
- FIX: some JS and CSS bugs
- FIX: Unactivate pool when closing poll
- FIX: CSS fixes, prepare to 4.6.0 version update
- ADD: Cache working. Wright/check cookie « notVote » for cache gear optimisation
- ADD: AJAX loader images SVG & css3 collection
- ADD: Sets close date when closing poll
- FIX: revote button didn’t minus votes if « keep-logs » option was disabled
- ADD: right working with cache plugins. Auto unable/dasable with wp total cache, wp super cache, WordFence, WP Rocket, Quick Cache. If you use the other plugin you can foorce enable this option.
- ADD: add link to selected css file in settings page, to conviniently copy or view the css code
- ADD: php 5.3+ needed check & notice if php unsuitable
- Changed: archive page ID in option, but not link to the archive page
- FIX: in_archive check… to not show archive link on archive page
- FIX: many code improvements & some bug fix (hide archive page link if 0 set as ID, errors on activation, etc.)
- CHG: Archive link detection by ID not by url
- FIX: js code. Now All with jQuery
- FIX: Separate js and css connections: css connect on all pages into the head, but js connected into the bottom just for page where it need
- FIX: code fix, about $_POST[*] vars
- FIX: Remove colling wp-load.php files directly on AJAX request. Now it works with wordpress environment – it’s much more stable.
- FIX: fixes about safe SQL calls. Correct escaping of passing variables. Now work with $wpdb->* functions where it posible
- FIX: admin messages
- FIX: Localisation bug on activation.
- ADD: css style themes support.
- ADD: new flat (flat.css) theme.
- FIX: Some bugs in code.
- ADD: All plugin functionality when javascript is disabled in browser.
- FIX: Some bug.
- ADD: « add user answer text » field close button when on multiple vote. Now it’s much more convenient.
- FIX: Some bug.
- ADD: TinyMCE button.
- FIX: Some bug.
- ADD: Revote functionality.
- ADD: « only registered users can vote » functionality.
- ADD: Minified versions of CSS (.min.css) and .js (.min.js) is loaded if they exists.
- ADD: js/css inline including: Adding code of .css and .js files right into HTML. This must improve performance a little.
- ADD: .js and .css files (or theirs code) loads only on the pages where polls is shown.
- ADD: Toolbar menu for fast access. It help easily manage polls. The menu can be disabled.
- ADD: Multiple voting functionality.
- ADD: Opportunity to change answers votes in DataBase.
- ADD: « Random show one of many active polls » functionality.
- ADD: Poll expiration date functionality.
- ADD: Poll expiration datepicker on jQuery.
- ADD: Open/close polls functionality.
- ADD: Localisation functionality. Translation to English.
- ADD: Change {democracy}/{democracy:} shortcode to standart WP [democracy]/[democracy id=].
- ADD: jQuery support and many features because of this.
- ADD: Edit button for each poll (look at right top corner) to convenient edit poll when logged in.
- ADD: Clear logs button.
- ADD: Smart « create archive page » button on plugin’s settings page.
- FIX: Improve about 80% of plugin code and logic in order to easily expand the plugin functionality in the future.
- FIX: Improve css output. Now it’s more adaptive for different designs.